
4 Tips for Facelift Recovery

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Recovering from a facelift involves more than just waiting for incisions to heal. The steps you take during recovery can significantly affect the quality of your results and the speed of your healing. Proper post-operative care can also help minimize complications and ensure that your new look is everything you hoped for.

At Coberly Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, board-certified plastic surgeon Dana Coberly, MD regularly performs facelift surgery to help her patients feel and look more youthful and revitalized. While each patient’s recovery is unique to them, Dr. Coberly has some general tips that can increase the chances of an efficient and successful facelift healing process:

1. Do not smoke or use tobacco products.

Smoking is known for hindering plastic surgery recovery, as it reduces the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, which are vital for healing. Tobacco use can also increase the risk of complications and can lead to poor scar formation. Additionally, avoid vaping and alcohol, as both can interfere with proper blood flow. If you do smoke, avoid it for at least two weeks prior to the surgery and one month following.

2. Allow yourself time to rest.

Rest is a critical component of the recovery process. Ensure you have a comfortable, quiet place to relax and sleep. Put off scheduling any demanding activities in the weeks following your surgery, and give your body the chance to dedicate its energy toward healing. This downtime is not only beneficial for physical recovery, but also for your mental health.

3. Avoid strenuous workouts and activities.

While light, gentle walks can help improve circulation and aid in healing, strenuous activities should be avoided during the initial recovery phase. Activities that increase your heart rate and blood pressure can lead to swelling and even bleeding, which can compromise your facelift results. Heavy lifting and vigorous exercise should be avoided for at least a month post-surgery.

4. Keep your head elevated.

Keeping your head raised, especially during the first few days after surgery, can help minimize swelling and bruising. Elevation helps manage and optimize blood flow, which is important because improved circulation ensures that nutrients and oxygen needed for tissue repair can reach the surgical site efficiently. By keeping your head elevated, especially when swelling tends to be at its peak, the risk of excessive fluid buildup can also be reduced.

For more information about facelift surgery and recovery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Coberly, please contact our office today.